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JEMC said:
Cobretti2 said:

I haven't kept up with hardware in the last 5years or so. What is an APU? and what you mean pair with GPU?

APU is the abreviation of "Accelerated Processing Unit". Basically it's a CPU with something else, usually a GPU, so when you buy 1 APU you are actually getting a CPU and a GPU all in 1 package.

When he says that he will pair it with an HD6670 it is because APUs can be used in conjuction with a graphics card. Now, some GPUs (and I think the one in the HD6670 is one of them), are so similar to the one inside the APU that you can enable Crossfire with them, getting more performance.


I am still interested in the APUs especailly the new FM2 socket ones. But AMD is so secretive about it. They are supposed to be out in less than a month and we really don't have any reviews or benchmarks. Nor do we know what GPUs the new A12 APU will be able to crossfire with. Everyone is saying 30% performance boost, but I'll believe it when I see it...