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Pavolink said:
If I'm not wrong, the PR for MHTriG and MH4 talks about "expand" the userbase, not to transfer from one "portable" to other.

In other words, to create a userbase in Nintendo portables + Sony portables, not to go from PSP to 3DS. Also, Nintendo is getting the numbered MH games, while Sony gets the bigger portables series. Not the same.

So, to me, there's no moneyhatting. Maybe Nintendo makes a deal to promote and bundle with 3DS, a handheld with people that buy DQ, 2D and 3D Marios, Pokemon and other middle-big franchises.

Once again a voice of reason comes through..., thanks Pavolink

This argument looks like it could be neverending, and the other side has clearly demonstrated a lack of understanding of the principle of the monster hunter versions, (that Tri & the portable series of MH are hugely different games) the argument is clearly at cross purposes now.

It would only be if people had actually played the games themselves and were not relying on hearsay that there would ever be any hope to resolving this point of difference I feel. As this seems unlikely. I think its best to bow out of the discussion here. 

Though I myself, would never drop in to, say, a Halo discussion thread or any other game I knew nothing about & had never played & seek to argue with players of the game, even if I knew players of the game myself. It would seem like a ludicrous thing to do.

On the flipside if anyone has the aus/nz adhoc party, (or the Japanese adhoc party for portable 3rd HD, as all P3rd HD owners get that) drop me a line on my wall or via PM if you want to co-op  MH. At the moment I'm aiding my housemate on freedom unite (shes new & its my favourite one) but I own most versions of the game and enjoy co-op MH greatly. 

and to anyone who has never played MH and is wondering if they should, go for it, its an amazing challenge based,  semi open world (different areas unlock based on the hunt, but those areas are open world style free access) style, action rpg series.


Favourite Games of 2013 1.Tomb Raider(PS3) 2.Atelier Ayesha(PS3) 3.Virtues Last Reward (Vita)