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@brendude Wow really, the DS having a bigger base could have helped it. No a PSP made Monster Hunter wouldn't work on the DS but a "DS" made Monster Hunter would have worked. And yes im implying the PSP has been a failure in the west. Releasing on the DS if possible would have been better. You don't have to believe it can takeoff in the west but it doesn't have a chance in hell on a bad selling handheld(PSP,Vita). Lol at the "Why would they release it on the 3DS?" part, I don't know ask Capcom why they chose the 3DS and not Vita lol. But ill try to explain it myself, one of them has been a failure so far, while the other outpaces it predecessor which won last Gen. They bet on the winner between these two which they were obviously right. Like I said bigger userbase means more potential sales so again why Vita?