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The console was as reliable as the PS3 in 2009, but feel free to ignore the fact a consumer survey would inevitably lag behind. I notice you dont call out Sony on the PS2 and their extremely high laser failure rates. Lets not forget nobody has had to buy a replacement 360 since the extended warranty was announced. Sony of course did nothing about the PS2 hardware issues ripping off the consumer (myself included). In fact Ive had 2 PS2 fail, a car stereo, a phone and a Dvd player but you keep praising Sony who didnt help me once with those failures. I have 3 360's and only one has had the RROD, admittedly after around 5 months of 8hours a day usage. It was of course fixed within 2 weeks and has been fine ever since. This is why people feel fine about the 360 scenario.