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Just a couple of thoughts on HDTVs ... Since about 1998 HDTV sales have always failed to meet up with analyst predictions ... Even if HDTVs get bought by most households over the next couple of years, people will still watch a lot of 480p content through Digital TV and their existing DVD library; if you assume a similar adoption rate for HD-DVD and Blu-Ray that DVD had most people will not have a HD-Player until 2011 or 2012. In families (or even married couples) the gaming system is unlikely to be attached to the 'primary' TV in the house; quite often the secondary TV in the house will be in a den and have gaming systems attached to it. Finally, what is a big selling feature to some (HD-output) may not be a big selling point to others; one of the people I know who is desperate to find a Wii is looking for one mainly for the virtual console (a feature I have not used). It is possible that in 2009-2010 enough people will not care enough about the Wii having HD-capabilities to lower sales dramatically.