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S.T.A.G.E. said:
DieAppleDie said:
you were comparing how TvC would have sold much more on the HD consoles, possibly true, but it would also have had better grafix and online being more appealing to general public, and it would have costed more to be made also...
The Soul Calibur 2 example seems much more like this situation, the same game with the same grafix, exclusive content and a huge leap in userbase...just that

True fighting fans arent worried about graphics. It's about a balanced game, controls, interesting characters with great movesets and technical gameplay (parries, juggles, meters etc.). Nintendo is quickly becoming the least console of choice for fighters. The hey day of fighters on a Nintendo was truly the SNES era. Yes, GC was a great console focused on the core gamer (Which is probably why it sold so badly) but of the few fighters they had Soul Calibur had great core support even for one fighter. Tekken Tag Tournament will be strongest on the PS3 because of the community and the best players in the world are playing on the PS3. Its the tournament console of choice for fighters in evo as well. Im not going to argue about that because theres no arguing it that this point. What we can argue is whether the Wii U's version will outsell the 360's, which is still doubt because Microsoft segmented Sonys fanbase. Perhaps TVC wasn't a good choice, but its all Nintendo has to show for the generation of the Wii.

Right, but it's still a poor example that should not have been given. If it had been a fighter with broader appeal, it would have sold better. It's the same fallacy that's been thrown around to show how "3rd party games don't sell on Nintendo consoles" since the beginning of the generation.

TTT2 is going to benefit from being a launch game on Wii U. A new userbase is just that: new, and willing to experiment and try different types of games, and also buy whatever comes their way. The small userbase will limit its potential out of the gate, but it will do respectably well for all that, and that's the long-and-short of this whole debate.

Monster Hunter: pissing me off since 2010.