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happydolphin said:
theprof00 said:

You do realize it's because this isn't news, right? He can't actually deny anyone a permit and would be sued. This is playing to his base.

Ok, I guess. It's not because someone is sued that it doesn't make the news. If something is scandalous, and trust me the other way around would have been more than scandalous, I believe it would have been viral.

Ok, let me rephrase this for you.

A governer denounced Chic-Fil-A's president's words, citing that he won't get a permit in some specific part of his jurisdiction. Governor's words are denounced by the ACLU. Liberals agree that denying permits would be unlawful, even Jon Stewart of the Daily Show (our God).
 Where exactly is your problem?

By "other way around" you're referring to Oreo, correct? How is it that one company is defended by Republicans in a statement, and Oreo is denounced, yet both time liberals are in the wrong. Tell me that. We really can never be right. You have no idea how frustrating it is that we're always in the wrong according to your party.