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ironmanDX said:
RenderMonk said:

Think about it, Microsoft sells approximately 7-8 million Xbox360's each year (Especially during those early years when it was still "hot"). Over two years time that's 14-16 million Xbox360's sold. If there's a 50% failure rate, that means 7-8 million boxes had to be re-bought. Many people had theirs fail and need replaced and average of 2-4 times!!! And that's just for their highest failure rate time period. The numbers of "re-purchased" units are likely MUCH higher. That means in all actuality Xbox360 is about 5 million (easy) BEHIND the PS3, and that's with their full year head start.

Yeah, so the media carried the xbox when there were reports everywhere of the massive fail rate because of RroD? It didn't damage the publics view of the console and make other people choose other consoles such as the Wii or the PS3. RroD damged M$' reputation, not strengthened it. I like how you said "Think about it" and didn't actually do any thinking yourself.

I said "think about it" cause that's what I wanted YOU to do. Clearly you did not. The point I was making is that even with the RROD issues the media and continued to spin things in a positive light, like "it's no big's not that's just rumored, not truth....etc." Why do you think they did that??? Because their dirty little web-pockets were lined with green, (pun intented). Between that and Microsofts relentless advertising campaings ranging in the millions of dollars, ya they bought your approval.  Look at you in this forum, still defending your xbox, still trying to say xbox is the best regardless of the RROD issues. They bought your loyalty just like they planned. :)

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