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Someone commented about how the media lifted up the Xbox360 and really carried it this gen, despite all the failure rates. And it's true. Microsoft paid gaming sites like crazy to promote there console, review games on their console instead of the competition, and just about anything you can think of in terms of "marketing".

And when it comes to the install base, Sony's PS3 is only approximately 2-3 million behind the Xbox360 on total lifetime sales. But everyone knows the year long head start added a lot to that little gap. Not to mention when you take the 50% failure rate for approximately 2+ years Sony's PS3 is actually far and away the leader of the two. Think about it, Microsoft sells approximately 7-8 million Xbox360's each year (Especially during those early years when it was still "hot"). Over two years time that's 14-16 million Xbox360's sold. If there's a 50% failure rate, that means 7-8 million boxes had to be re-bought. Many people had theirs fail and need replaced and average of 2-4 times!!! And that's just for their highest failure rate time period. The numbers of "re-purchased" units are likely MUCH higher. That means in all actuality Xbox360 is about 5 million (easy) BEHIND the PS3, and that's with their full year head start.

I get so tired of fan boys saying how Sony is in 3rd place or dead last just cause they don't care to start smear campaigns and prove just how far ahead they are over Microsoft. It's more realistic to say that the PS3 had a slow, expensive, rocky start and Xbox360 wasted their "first to market" status with a busted failed piece of hardware, What boggles my mind is how people can still stand behind that box and call it King....when it so clearly is not.

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