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Runa216 said:
I need something to download on Vita, but I'm all out of things to do on it. I keep wanting to get a PSN card so I can get something on the vita, but then I go to see what I want only to realize there's nothing there yet I don't already have!

I know how you feel. Though there are still a few games I want on PSN (Disgea 3, Dynasty Warriors Next and maybe Plants VS Zombies) but I can't bring myself to buy them at full price. I keep on scrolling through all the Vita, PSP, and Minis games over and over and over hoping to find something to warrant a PSN Card purchase :p

So far these are the games I kinda want but don't want to pay full price since I'm sure that I wont be playing them much

PS Vita - Disgaea 3, Dynsasty Warriors 3, Plants VS Zombies, Lego Harry Potter and MGS HD

PSP - GOB, FF 12 Disidea (or whatever its spelled), Lego Harry Potter 1-4, and SNK Arcade Collection

Now when Ragnarok Odyssey, Assassins Cread III Liberation, SF VS Tekken, Persona 4 and LBPV releases, I have no issues buying these games at full price. As long as I have the money to download them of course :p