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starcraft said:

So what you are saying is that developers should be resigned to the fact that they cannot make a profit, but be content to barely stay afloat by existing only on the Wii? No More Heroes, a VERY high quality game just debuted with 40,000 on the Wii. It will not turn a profit. The most comparable game on the 360, Crackdown, is a million seller.

How many developer's have to complain that they cannot profit off the Wii before people like you take notice? I purchased a Wii for ONE reason. Nintendo's first-party franchises.

You can keep accusing everyone of having no logic, you can keep accusing everyone of dodging facts, but at the end of the day you do not have a coherent argument based in anything remotely resembling reality. Businesses do not exist to survive (in any case many could not if their development was confined to the Wii), they exist to make money.

What a dishonest argument. You know that Ubisoft under shipped NMH copies at launch? Have you played the damn game at least? It is not that high quality as you say (technical standpoint). I love the game and would love to see more games like that, but the graphics are not anything to be proud about. The game is niche and low budget. Another issue is that Crackdown comparison. What if NMH came with a SSBB demo, would it sell a million like crackdown?

I would bet that it will make a big profit and will be Suda 51 best selling game ever (untill now).

I do not want to start a "which console is better" discussion, but you are making some lame comparisons. Would Zack and Wiki or NMH sold better on the 360? I do not see its userbase buying high budget high quality games like Blue Dragon, Eternal Sonata, Lost Odissey (it is Japan only, so you can ignore this one). Even Orange Box sales are a little dissapointing. I think you should not just make some clueless claims that 3rd parties do not sell well on the Wii based on 2 niche low budget titles.

Satan said:

"You are for ever angry, all you care about is intelligence, but I repeat again that I would give away all this superstellar life, all the ranks and honours, simply to be transformed into the soul of a merchant's wife weighing eighteen stone and set candles at God's shrine."