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starcraft said:

Funny, but I could have sworn that Mario was Nintendo's flagship character and that this game's profits were meant to be split down the middle with Nintendo. I also could have sworn that Capcom's mega-profits were coming from Dead Rising, DMC 4 and Lost Planet, rather than the commercial flop that was Zack and Wiki. Furthermore, I could have sworn that Ubisoft's massive profits were coming from the success of Naruto and above all Assassin's Creed.

You did not say anything to refute the fact that Sony and MS are turning a profit. I sincerely hope you don't try too, as all i need to do to comprehensively refute you is post their quarterly reports. Nowhere do I say that developers "aren't" making money of the 360, you said that and offered nothing to back it up. I argue quite the contrary, and the sales figures support me.

I've never really had much to do with you on these boards, but a quick glance made me wonder why everyone accuses you of being a rabid fangirl devoid of any logic or realism. I wonder no more, as your solution to any argument your losing is to dance around with word games and simply state that you have "put arguments in their place" after really doing nothing of the sort.

 Wow, I never realized how badly of a fanboy and fact cherry picker you are.  That paragraph was just so blindly ignorant.  You focused on Z&W, the one wii game capcom has not done outstanding with and even that is on pace to be very successful with European results (low budget game=low sales to break even).  You completely ignore RE4 and RE:UC with both have wildly broken past Capcom's expectations of 420k and 600k sales and are going on strong.  They will make more money off of those than the other games you have mentioned.  Profit does not depend completely on total final sale numbers.

And you also ignore Ubisoft crediting the wii with their profit during the launch year when they made million sellers of RRR and Red Steel.  The fact that they didn't release any significant games so far this year on the wii is the reason they haven't made money on it.

And comparing NHM to Crackdown?  How stupid can you be?  Killer7, the precedessor to NHM sold less than 40k on the PS2!  Does that really inspire you to say it should be a million seller?