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Quantum-Tarantino said:
It is not a 1st party game, it is developed by Naughty Dog. It is a Second Party title, at BEST. We dont know that its even a GOOD game, let alone a great one. Of those 2.5 million PS3's how many bought them for BluRay players? How many Bought them for NON FPS style, adventure games? ow many bought them for Online play, and not single player adventures? Yes, other games coming out in this timeframe DIRECTLY competes with uncharted, and we havent even seen this years "Lost Planet's" or "Dead Rising's" which i am sure are coming.

 Get your facts right, Sony owns Naughty Dog they own the ip if thats not 1st party i dont know what is.  LOL when have peope ever got a playstation for FPS only.

Just a hater, no need to debate with you.