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Runa216 said:
Hey, does anyone know anything about the differences/similarities of Playstation All-Stars on Vita and PS3? I'm trying to figure out for the life of me WHY there's a price disparity between the two. I went to pre-order it a couple days ago, and I noticed the PS3 version is 60 bucks, but the PSV version is 40 bucks. Last I heard (and based on my experiences with it at E3), the two versions are identical and 100% cross compatible. So I have to the 60 dollar deal a placeholder on PS3 and it's actually releasing for 40, or are they likely to go with base prices regardless?

Either way, I plan on getting both versions for the lulz, but what one I get FIRST will depend.

Most likely they used the PS3 as the lead platform and used assets and stuff already developed for the PS3 for the Vita thus decreasing development cost for the Vita version. But then again, i'm just pulling stuff out of the air so I realy don't know :P