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Girl Gamer Elite said:
Starcraft, there is more to the market than just Nintendo, Sony and Microsoft. You're ignoring the third party developers which would be in the REd if not for the Wii. The market is not happy.

And the Wii has 5 third party million sellers btw, which this modest number is due largely to the support the Wii has recieved, not the graphics of its games.

For all the million sellers on the 360/PS3, its arguable how many actually have turned a legitimate profit. Games selling on the 360/PS3 does not mean a serious profit for the third party developer, at least not one worth justifying such a costly and risky endeavor.

To you I could equally just easily say you're ignoring the sheer amount of Wii's people are buying over the 360/PS3 even while the Wii is still supply capped. Again, you're trying to say there is no problem by saying the symptoms aren't a problem. That's not sound reasoning. You like so many others just can't see the bigger picture in your assumption game sales are everything.

By all means, point out any third party developers which would presently be "in the red" if it weren't for the Wii.  By most estimates an Xbox 360 developer needs to sell 350,000 to 500,000 units to make a profit on a game, so I'd say the nearly 30 third-party million sellers on the Xbox 360 alone are keeping an awful lot of developer's happy wouldn't you?

Again, which developer's other than Nintendo are making a "serious profit" off the Wii that they are not making off the 360?

In one post you told me that the Wii is keeping game developers out of the red, without giving an example, before going on to tell me that game sales arn't everything.  Exactly where do you think third-party revenue comes from.  It's high time you adopted some "sound reasoning" GGE.

starcraft - Playing Games = FUN, Talking about Games = SERIOUS