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richardhutnik said:
Kenology said:

Corporate personhood must end.  And the international banking cartels need to be demolished.

Don't ask me how... short of a global revolution.

A run on banks globally will cause the fractional reserve house of cards to collapse.  Of course, everyone is so much in debt that they won't do this.  I actually thought this level of personal debt would of saved the banking system from collapsing, but I was proved VERY wrong in this front.

The monetary system will collapse itself, it's a self-killing system.

Too much power in the hands of the regulators, makes them high targets for corruption. That corruption breeds negative consequences which grow like a cancer, and, ultimately cause the system to collapse. The globalization of the system only makes the collapse quicker (a system can be sustained for longer when everything is interal under one state, as the Government can use force to confiscate the wealth of the citizens, to sustain the cancer - they do not have such force in the international system).