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yo_john117 said:
mantlepiecek said:
I am sure the 360 failure rate decreased in 2010 itself. Highly doubtful it was still 50+% in 2009.

I'm sure that was taking into consideration everyone who had a 360  (a lot of people had the old unrealiable 360's).


If you look at the second graph it looks like the Slim 360 that came out in 2010 is about down to Wii fail levels (about 1.5%)

Basically this.  That's probably why the ps3 figure is on the upswing in 2009.  The 60gbs especially are pretty unreliable, it's just that they managed to hang on for a few years before dying.

The high point in 2010 isn't the new slims dying.  It's older fats.

It's good that both consoles seem to be pretty damn reliable at this point.  Hopefully this won't be an issue next gen.