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starcraft said:

I currently own a Wii and an Xbox 360. Im playing SMG which offers a fresh and innovative way of playing games. At the same time, I'm playing Mass Effect and Bioshock, one of which offers a storytelling and dialogue mode beyond anything remotely possible last gen, and both of which offer an immersive experience that is greatly enhanced by high-definition graphics, and in the case of Bioshock, highly advanced AI and water effects that wouldn't be possible on the Wii. Im also playing Gears of War online and Halo 3 in multiplayer battles the PS2 and Xbox could only imagine.

So really I think all the next gen consoles bring something fresh to the table, except perhaps for the PS3.

 Sorry but any innovation related to storytelling and dialogue modes can be done on the previous gen or even the gen before that.  There's no need for massive horsepower to set up storylines.  You're attributing way too much to horsepower and not enough to game design.  PC's has always have tons more power, do you see any amazing storyline that can't be done on a console?  

Too many people associate all the experience and enjoyment they have to graphics rather than good game design.  People were having tons of fun playing goldeneye multiplayer way before gears of war and halo3 online.