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You keep telling yourself that Legend, but using such a pauldry excuse would be no different than me trying to argue the Wii has the most AAA games because of Virtual Console. XBLA and PStore are supplementary not the core feature of the consoles or the driving bulk of game development this generation. You're just making excuses.

Not only do you first try to deny the limited diversity of games on the 360/PS3 but then try to say in the same breath that its something we're just going to have to accept. Which is it? In addition, you try and force a defeatist/fatalist ideology down our throats as if we're simply to take the corporate money shot in the face like good little lemmings and spend big money to keep buying an ever narrowing game library. You are just aruge to we should accept things the way because these problems will always exist which is to the same affect as arguing, "it doesn't matter if you treat your diabetes or not, you'll always have diabetes so it doesn't matter so what's the point of waisting your time treating it?" You see, its not the fact the market has a problem, its to what degree the problem exists and the factors which contribute to it. Of course these problems will persist in some way shape or form no matter what the nature of the market just as they always have, but MS and Sony are only inflating the problem beyond the threshold of market health while Nintendo is working to solve it and bring stability and profit to the parties involved.

You can tell us Nintendo will sucumb to the same fate years from now despite their efforts, but since you're one of the same people who initially wrote off the Wii as a failure then a fad, why should anyone listen to your predictions? You made your choice in gaming and we respect that, but don't try and piss in our ear and tell us its raining. This whole generation has thus far been little more than a lesson in gamers of your mentality being wrong.

And yes I do agree Star Wars: Force Unleashed offers new diversity to gameplay, but largely only on the Wii due to controls, assuming they live up to the hype.