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We interrupt your regular doom and gloom to bring you this bit of schadenfreude:

"Zynga earnings just hit the Tape, they were bad, the outlook was worse, and the stock’s getting clobbered.

Shares were down 8% in late trading before the report even hit the Tape; they’re now down 41% at $2.99.

Facebook shares are down 6.6% as well, as investors worry about the read-through (company reports earnings tomorrow).

Zynga slashed its 2012 outlook. The company now projects adjusted EPS for the year of 4 cents to 9 cents, which is well, well below current Street consensus of 26 cents, according to FactSet.

The earnings were a salve by comparison. For the second-quarter, the company reported a loss of 3 cents a share, or a profit of 1 cents a share on an “adjusted” basis, on revenue of $332.5 million.

That’s off Street consensus, which was for earnings of 5 cents a share on revenue of $344 million."

We now return you to your scheduled programming.

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the original trolls

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