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lilbroex said:
oniyide said:
lilbroex said:
oniyide said:
Its already been said, but i'll say it again, its clear that lilbroex has never played Darksiders and he is EXACTLY the type of crazed person that Mr. Dalton is talking about. If you didnt play the game dont comment on it, regardless of what the media says.

And you would be wrong. I have played it. Its resemblance to Twilight Princess was onimpresent. It was pretty much a mature version of it.


I'm not the topic of this thread though.

Really?? You thought it was like TP?? Okay.

The differences between Darkstalker and Twlight Princess are like the difference between the Wiimote and Move.

Of course Darkstalkers had its things that made it unique just like Move, but you can tell where the idea originated.

It's more like comparing pizza and lasagna.  They both have tomato sauce and cheese but that's about it.  I'm sorry but after beating Darksiders I never thought of Twilight Princess and I beat them half a year apart form each other.

I just remembered that Ratchet and Clank had puzzles so Darksiders copied them as well.