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Same-sex marriage polls show that the issue has crossed the 50% threshold nationally, and support for full rights in any other area (workplace, housing, partnership rights, protections, etc.) are more like 75%.

While local businesses in socially conservative areas can benefit short-term from a stance like the Chick-Fil-A president's, a national corporation will find itself quickly on the wrong wide of the dollar.

Add in the idea that the rate of acceptance is higher among women (who make most family discretionary spending decisions) and under 30s (high consumption of certain brands/products such as fast food), then you really have issues for many businesses if they are seen to somehow support exclusionary policies. (And I could add that gay people tend to make a bit more money than the average citizen and have considerably more discretionary income due to proportionally fewer kids/more time to devote to career/dual incomes, etc., and that gay dollars spend just as well as straight dollars.)

All beliefs aside, it's quite simply bad business.

Can't we all just get along and play our games in peace?