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-CraZed- said:

3. There was only one person in that theater who had a gun.... James Holmes. Had another legitimate movie goer had a gun or a few had guns someone could have shot him and stop him from killing as many as he had. When seconds count the police (who carry guns) are just minutes away. And even if it is true the police showed up in 90 or so seconds somone could have stopped him in less than 30. Think of the lives that could have been saved.

The idea of possessing a gun will never be outdated. The idea of banning guns is outdated. We are always so busy trying to ban inatimate objects that we forget about the human aspect of the problem. All banning guns will do (and has done) is make the average citizen prey to criminals who care nothing for their rights to be safe and secure in their person and propety.

To your point #3, I think if other people had guns they could have accidentally shot other civilians. Remember that this happened in a dark theater, smoke bombs were detonated, the murderer was wearing full body armor from head to toe, and people were running all over the place in a frenzy. So if he was shot at, it would not have done anything, he was wearing armor. And chances are, amidst the chaos, the people with guns would have accidentally shot other people trying to run away. 

The idea of possessing a gun became outdated since the wild west was over. People are so bound by the Constitution that was written in the 1700's when times were radically different. There is no shame in admitting that there is room for amendments to be made. I am not saying "ban guns", but clearly the status quo is NOT working. People are getting killed in alarmingly high numbers. People are prone to violence for some odd disgusting reason. People are scared. And that is why they want a gun by their bed-side. No doubt, something needs to be done, what that is should be open for discussion and reasoning.