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Mr Khan said:
mrstickball said:
Sucks to be Nintendo.

It's going to take them awhile to turn the ship around. The 3DS may be profitable soon or even now, but losses on the WiiU are going to negate what the 3DS does.

I imagine it'll be the 2013-14 calendar year before Nintendo starts posting concurrent quarters of profits. Hope they can keep their cash reserves at some level before its all over.

Who's to say the Wii U will incur losses? Even with weak Western currencies, they may only take minimal losses if their nominal profit margin is broad enough.

They've assured that the WiiU will be in a similar position of the 3DS - catering to the hardcore Nintendo fanbase, and a price greatly exceeding the value. That is assuming *if* they attempt to price the console similarly to the 3DS (e.g. at a profit initially).

Back from the dead, I'm afraid.