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That Guy said:

4. All next generation consoles will feature Wii-like motion controllers

FACT, but I think Sony and Microsoft systems won't have superior motion controllers. Nintendo was smart enough to apply for patents, and Sony, MS will have to try to work around them.

I think you'll find that the patents Nintendo holds on the wiimote are just for the overall design, not the motion sensing technologies. I'm pretty sure none of the actual technology was developed by Nintendo as it's essentially just an infra-red camera and 3 accelorometers. These things are already used in other devices, so there is no reason why MS or Sony couldn't make motion controllers as good or better than Nintendo.

I think the answer to this one is FICTION anyway. Motion sensing may be incorporated in all next gen controllers in one way or another (all three companies have already dabbled), but they will not be anything like the wiimote, and they will certainly not take the place of the "classic" controller design. That has yet to be improved upon (although mouse and keyboard may trump it for many games).

I actually think Sony may include the next gen eyetoy as standard with the PS4, and achieve motion control via that route. They may even have 2 eyetoys to achieve motion control in 3D. That would be a lot more impressive than what we see now with the wiimote.