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prlatino86 said:

While there is some argument that "the Wii IS hardcore", the response i have to that is: if thats the case, why are so many people still buying x360s and PS3s, especially if they already own a Wii? Is it possible a certain "gaming desire" is not totally fulfilled by the Wii? Why is it you hear a lot, even from Wii owners themselves, that the Wii is a secondary console?

No. It's because real "hardcore" gamers who love gaming actually do buy more then one console per generation. (assuming the can afford it.) If they can. They get all three. That's what real gamers do... instead of console fanboys, or people that just like to play videogames.

Most people also don't say the Wii is a secondary console, they say if you've got a 360 or PS3 it makes more sense to get a wii as your second console, because the PS3 and 360 are going to have a lot of the same games... and real gamers would likely like the widest variety of games they could get.

The thing is... there isn't a majority of "hardcore" gamers. There hasn't been since the Atari came out. (Except possible briefly after the crash with the NES.) Most gamers are casual... and most of these gamers without broad tatstes who don't enjoy gaming as a whole and only some very narrow genres of games are mostly the ones threatened, because they're afraid the few genres they like are going away.

Picture how much the PS1 era must of sucked for you if you only liked 2-D platformers? There were many people who only liked 2-D games who complained 3-D would never work. Or the PS2 era if you liked any kind of platformer. Etc.

To me it seems that of the people who like a wide variety of games, most of the people have went through a couple transitions (have been playing since the Atari or before) appear to not think the Wii is destroying gaming... while those who came in, or started heavy gaming around the PS1, PS2 are freaking out because they arn't used to shifts in gaming.

Nothing annoys me more then people who claim to be "real" or "hardcore" gamers and you find out they refuse to buy more then one system or barely find time to play any games outside of FPS deathmatch, Madden or Smash brothers.  Or who even restrict themselves to a few genres and a few series in those genres and then profess themselves experts enough to dictate on what's proper for the whole industry.

A REAL gamer applauds any broadening of the market because that means their are more genres to play and more kinds of games to play. To someone who likes all genres(or at the very least most)... a new genre emerging is often times greater then the creation of a new triple A franchise... because new genres are much more rare and harder to come by. Even if they themselves don't enjoy the genre... because who knows where it might lead or how it might improve?

People who disagree arn't gamers. They are people who like some games and are insecure that they are too niche to matter... which is sad.

I know this as my favorite genre are SRPGS. A genre that is actually too niche to matter. Yet there are still plenty of SRPG games out there despite the fact that SRPGs usually struggle to get to 500K.