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Viper1 said:
yum123 said:
Viper1 said:
yum123 said:
Marks said:
If guns are outlawed, only outlaws will have guns.

No amount of gun control would have stopped this, but maybe with less gun control an armed law-abiding citizen in the theatre could have stopped this and minimalized casualties. The police are there to bag and tag bodies and arrest the criminal after the fact, not to prevent crime.

that is such a narrow minded view. what a load of crap. look at most countries where guns are illegal, there are far far fewer gun murders in those countries compared to the usa. If they outlawed guns you wouldnt be able to find them so easily in shops. also It would slowly seep out of their culture. thats the problem with usa guns are a part of there culture

You don't live in America, do you?

His statement is 100% valid.  Outlawing guns in the US would only prevent "LAWBIDING" citizens from owning guns.   The ability to illegally obtain a gun would not change at all and that's where the problem lies. 

Did banning drugs in the US keep people from being able to obtain drugs?


your completely missing the point look at the gun murder stats and tell me whos got it right

Considering your response, I must suggest that is again you who are missing the point.

If you banned guns in the US, there would still be gun related homicides because crimminals don't obey the law...otherwise they wouldn't kill anybody to begin with.

And you completely missed the drug point.  Did banning drugs in the US prevent people from being able to obtain drugs?   Now swap out the word drugs with guns and you'd have the same question posed after a gun ban.

Did banning 'drugs' prevent people from being able to obtain 'drugs'?
Did banning 'guns' prevent people from being able to obtain 'guns'?


Some people don't understand the massive ammount of black market trade for guns already going around and then to remove a person's ability to own their own firearm. I understand that maybe a massive ban works in other countries, but it's not going to work in America. Our friend doesn't seem to get that.