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Mr Khan said:
theprof00 said:
Yeah no I know it's just the currency.
Lots of economists are saying the Yen is overvalued by a significant amount due to speculation.

Definitely. Japan's got a 200% debt-to-GDP ratio and has seen basically zero economic growth in 20 years. Their interest rates are already rock-bottom, and they're reduced to printing money. The *only* thing holding their currency up is high savings levels and rampant speculation

Yeah it's really insane how they gain every single day when their country has been on the slow burn for many years. It's worse than zero economic growth. It's their ageing population problem, it's their population shrink, it's their losses in business holdings due to globalization and increased competition, it's more foreign companies siphoning off profits like McDonalds and other huge brand names.

Just the fact that so many Japanese save up their money and then come to America to spend it because it's worth so much more. It just isn't logical.