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I don't believe Nintendo will post a profit this quarter. The situation in Europe is only deteriorating and will further impact Nintendo's financials as a whole. The strengthening yen is not helping their financials as well. The only sector in the world where Nintendo is doing well currently, is in its native country, Japan. However, I believe going forward, Nintendo will be fine as we enter the holiday season soon with the Wii U, Pokemon, and 3DS XL releases. It should post extremely good results then.

By the way, good on Nintendo for cutting costs. Most of the consumers Nintendo are targeting are people who mostly own DS or 3DS in my opinion and they already have the adapter. Furthermore, I don't believe the Wii + Nunchuck remote should be included in the Wii U release. When I buy a console, I get one remote and that would be the Gamepad. If people complain, then shame on them really.