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Kynes said:

They should prepare to a scenario where a Wii U selling at 350€ makes them lose money. I would bet that 300 €/$ is going to be the MRSP, but I wouldn't discard 350.

so $300 - $350 (300-350 € ) is where the final price will likely be in your opinion?

Another thing we know is Nintendo are making every possible effort to cut costs that aren't essential. I think this is the reasoning behind not including a power adapter with the XL in Japan and Europe. There have also been strong hints (from Nintendo of France) that wiimotes will not be bundled with the Wii U, allowing them to cut back further on price and storage volume.

If they could afford to launch the hardware with no bundled software besides the OS it would definitely help them reach the break even point since nobody will buy a console without at least one game. I imagine this is something they can afford to do in Japan (like they did with Wii) but the remaining regions may not find it acceptable.

At the very least they can launch with a download ticket instead of a physical copy of bundled software, although this may be an insignificant saving.

Until you've played it, every game is a system seller!

the original trolls

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