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The short term investments have grown a lot the last year, as the table Kowenicki provided in this same thread show, so it's probable that they are doing that. The problem lies in not improving exchange rates, and you need to import that money, then you have to take huge losses. I think the last year huge write off Nintendo had to do was partly/mostly due to this.

I'm not sure that the exchange rates are going to improve, we Spaniards are doing our best to destroy the Euro, and the quantitative easing programs by the Fed are diluting the $ value, so if the Japanese government doesn't do the same, printing tons of yens to decrease it's value, Japanese export companies are screwed. I don't like this type of policies, they are suffering what it's known as a competitive devaluation, but not one of the nineties where some governments declared a huge devaluation on a Saturday, they are doing now without telling us. We're now in a cold currency war.

We can have a situation where 25000 yens cover the break even point, but 300 $/€ don't.