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I am a Nintendo Fangirl, but one of the more objective reasons I support Nintendo is that I don't see the Video Game market really going anywhere other than the PC under Sony and MS's direction this generation. This of course is a bold claim, but I am someone who has been gaming long enough to remember what it was like to be excited about a new and upcomming game that wasn't just an FPS that was slightly better than the last. The 360 and PS3 are not the legacy of the PS2, they are the legacy of the Xbox. With ever expanding online play and co-op Video Gaming just becomes another substitute for backyard football and male competition. I imagine the next gen consoles will come with a fire pit and stone club to enhance the gaming experience.

That doesn't mean there aren't good games or a modest diversity of games on the 360/PS3, that doesn't even mean there aren't games I want on the 360/PS3, many would even argue that its a better library than the Wii's. But if their current game library is anyone's definition of a postive future for gaming then perhaps it would be wise for you to start equating the market's health to your own enjoyment of gaming less you find yourself up a crick a generation downt he road.