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SaviorX said:
cusman said:

The level of success the 3DS has been enjoying comes at a cost to Nintendo's bottom line because they are loosing money on each unit sold. If they also price the Wii U in a way that they would be loosing money per unit sold, then they would have to sell a heck of a lot of software to make up that difference and show any profits.

Point blank, the Wii U should not cost more to create than $300. For a new generation, most people will be willing to pay that much for it, espeially in the advent of expensive Apple products.

Wii U will be marginally stronger than the Xbox360, a product using hardware that is 8 years old at this point. Parts from 2008-2010 inside the Wii U do not warrant a price higher then that $300. If so, Nintendo deserves to fail for being short-sighted in their approach.

These past 2 years have been a large struggle for them, and they've lost more than 40% of their cash reserve in a year. Abandoing the core and not crafting a 'strong enough' Wii console came back and bit them in the ass after their record-breaking ascent, with an unprecedented decline. Their American division has had no presence in the last 2.5 years in further promoting their console front, so Nintendo has to go back to the drawing  board. Their PR Firm got sacked, so a lot is changing.

The only benefit they have, is launching first in November (which is still late in my opinion) and releasing content while the PS3/360 get even longer in the tooth. Nintendo usually plays by their own rules, but they have abandon that for a while and stop pumping Marios if they expect to survive the long haul.

If anything they need to start pumping Marios, just doing so correctly. The 2D-Mario double-dip for this year is the smartest thing they've done since making NSMB in the first place.

NoA sacked their PR firm, or Nintendo as a whole?

But i would agree that weak promotions from NoA has been a problem pretty much since 2008. The 3DS got a weak push outside of holiday 2011 when they had some better stuff going, and throughout the Op Rainfall mess, it really seems like NoA is content to run purely on inertia. It will be interesting to see how they work the Wii U launch from a promotional standpoint.

Monster Hunter: pissing me off since 2010.