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kowenicki said:
Kenology said:

In your assessment, which of the three companies of interest (MS, Sony, Nintendo) are in the best to worst shape financially?

Depends on your measure.

But by any measure you want Sony is by far the weakest and in some trouble, balance sheet is weak and profitability is terrible. 

Nintendo still has a good balance sheet but profitability is suspect right now and it is very narrow in its business interests.

Microsoft has a strong balance sheet, is very profitable and is a very diverse business these days. 



I've tried reading the original documents and the stated losses don't add up to anything near 265 billion yen.

Loss over currency exchange is clearly stated to be 27.7 billion yen, and Net Loss (after tax returns) is in the 43 billion yen area.

Going over the entire report I found two very large gaps that I didn't understand - one coming from investments vs. return on investment (page 12 - investing activities - short term and long term investment securities) and another from NoA (page 14 item 4). These two amounts dwarf operating losses. Aren't they the real reason for the huge difference from last year? 

edit: Another thing - in the data you provided it says most of the decline in assets happened between March and September of 2011 and not during Q4.

31/3/2011 - 1,634,297.00

30/9/2011 - 1,377,237.00

31/3/2012 - 1,368,401.00

(sorry for all the questions - this is turning out to be interesting  )

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