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kowenicki said:

Thise figures are for the end of March though.  I doubt any of routine WiiU manufacturing costs are in there?  They wouldnt pay up front for that surely.

The biggest loss here will be primarily the Yen coupled with 3DS price reduction.

For example, Sony loses about 6 billion yen of operating income for every 1 yen movement in the wrong direction. The Euro is currently trading almost 10 below what they forecast, so Sony have lost 60 billion yen ($766m) of operating income simply as a result of the Yen/Euro change

Thanks for clearing that up. This brings me back to my initial question:


"Maybe this is a stupid question, but is it possible NoA and NoE are holding on to some of the income instead of transferring to Japan becuase NCL is waiting for a more favorable exchange rate?"

More appropriately, why wouldn't NCL do this?


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