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kowenicki said:

so total assets fell from by 265,896,000,000 yen or about $3.5bn if my maths is correct.

$17bn to $13.5bn  (but remember this does include buildings, factories, machinery and stock etc)

quick back-of-envelope calculation:

Manufacturing of Wii U: I am guessing $200 BOM + Cost of Storage (where applicable), and 10 million units already payed for  = 2 billion dollars.

I originally imagined 3DS was incurring minimal losses to Nintendo, but that may not be the case, so it could (worst case scenario) add up to nearly another billion.

Either that or my guess for Wii U is too low. Am I correct in assuming Wii Us that are being built right now are not counted in inventory? That seems to make sense according to the decreased amount vs. last year..

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the original trolls

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