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phenom08 said:
xLeftyx said:
phenom08 said:
xLeftyx said:
phenom08 said:
@xLeftyx yes PS3 will take it home console wise, next year the PS3 will have some real competition.

What competition are you referring to? Wii U? Yes, there will competition once it releases. However, Wii U's impact is still questionable at this point in time. From how it's going, it'll divide the so-called "hardcore" market that already exists. At best, only a fraction combined will be early adopters.

Either way, however Nintendo's approach with how they market the console will be the deciding factor.

Just like the Wii's impact was questionable before it released and look how that turned out. You realize the 3DS sold nearly as well with less months on the market. Stop making the PS3 sound unstoppable. It can be beat easily. It will sell even less next year. I guess you expext another price cut and remodel lol, the PS3 must have an unlimited amount of those right? and remind me how has the PS3 done against previous 2d Mario games. I guess we will see next month.

I'll admit Wii was severely underestimated in terms of sales. In this industry, especially of now, you cannot gauge a console's life by comparing it from last generation.
All I said about Wii U is its impact is still questionable. I never implied Wii U will perform well nor is it an indication that it will fail. Furthermore, I never insinuated PS3 is unstoppable.
I agreed with you that PS3 will have a competition once Wii U releases, and since we still have yet to learn more about Wii U, formulating a prediction how well it'll do may be premature. There are just simply too many variables to do so.

I agree with what your saying but if you ask me Nintendo as revealed enough to let us know where their aiming, and its definitely not the hardcore. Would you consider yourself a hardcore 360 or PS3 fan? If so how do you think Nintendo did introducing the WiiU? The reason for all the disappointment is because NIntendo pretty much proved they could careless about the hardcore. They only want a piece of it, thats why we have seen nothing but ports or what their aiming to do is wait for Retro's game to launch. Look at how the 3DS had a better launch than the DS, thats because of all the built up anticipation. People should not doubt the WiiU's launch it going to have a good year as long as the price is right. We will most likely see 2D Mario, Wii Fit U, Wii U Sports, and Mario kart U all before the end of 2013 because Nintendo knows the Nintendo faithful will keep it alive for its first year. The true test begins its second year when the Wii exploded. Thats when NIntendo is going to have to reveal their new wii ips like the vitality sensor. The PS3's competition in 2013 will be fierce if what i just said is released in 2013. Dont forget DQX and whatever else Nintendo has been preparing for the WiiU. If you guys havent noticed Nintendo tends to blow their load in the early years, so honestly i dont see how the PS3 could win next year, espicially with PS4 possibly around the corner.

I'm not at a computer, so it takes a while for me to respond.

I actually own all three consoles. Truth be told, none of the three hardware manufacturers did well at E3. My take on Nintendo's E3 showing were deliberately downplayed by Nintendo for God's why. The only reason I can manufacture is to keep the interest fresh once it's announced so I imagine they'll start announcing more near its release.

The problem now with Nintendo and the so-called hardcore gamers is how Nintendo stay aloof with its specs. Gamers nowadays look for that clear cut numbers which they translate to better or best when all reality most individuals probably can't even tell the difference between 1080p vs 720p or upscales. Plus, consoles are highly optimized for what they are made to do. This fascination with power is amusing to me.

That's why Nintendo's focus on gameplay is quite commendable rather than graphics. In all reality, Wii could have lasted more had it not for Nintendo's dropped support and turned all of its resources to 3DS and now the Wii.

Wii U's introduction could've been better. Personally, I understood it, but when Reggie said at the beginning 'it's all about the games then we find out much later Nintendo's holding back on announcements on games. They also barely touched its multimedia capabilities, which is important nowadays. I suppose we'll hear more, in time. Like I said, it seems as if they downplayed Wii U a bit and I just assumed we'll hear more things on a gradual basis to keep interest fresh.