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I'll do my own:

1. Wii sales will sell more than DS when all is said and done.

I say FICTION, since the DS is in a two dog race (DS and PSP) and there is less competition. Plus its cheaper and more portable and stands to have a longer life than the Wii. DS was released in 2004-- its been almost 4 years now and its still going strong...

2. PS3 Will never overtake the Xbox360 in America

FACT. Xbox has too big of a lead and even if the PS3 outsold Xbox week to week, the generation will be over before they can catch up

3. The next console generation will arrive during the holiday season of 2011, exactly 5 years after the launch of Wii and PS3

FACT for this one as well. I predict the Xbox361 to come out before the competition again, and Sony will try to linger for another year before it launches. Nintendo will still see Sony as its main competition, and will release the Wiii (with 3 i's) before or simulataneously with Sony's system. The Wii will continue to linger as does the PS2 continues to linger today.

4. All next generation consoles will feature Wii-like motion controllers

FACT, but I think Sony and Microsoft systems won't have superior motion controllers. Nintendo was smart enough to apply for patents, and Sony, MS will have to try to work around them.

5. The PS2 will still sell into 2010

FACT. Games like Singstar, Guitar Hero, and DDR are still wildly popular around the world and thus games will continue to be released as long as people buy them. Such games aren't processor intensive so they look perfectly fine on a PS2.

6. Wii/Xbox360 games will soon have to feature multiple discs or have compressed audio/video because of Standard DVD storage constraints

FICTION. More games use in-game cutscenes now anyways and unless you have a fully orchestrated soundtrack for 40 hours of gameplay, I don't see space as an issue.

7. MGS4 lifetime sales will not overtake the lifetime sales of the original MGS or MGS2.

FACT. MGS/MGS2 did 5.9 (lets round to 6 million) in sales. Storyline wise, I think MGS2 and MGS3 left a bad taste in many MGS fans mouths (especially MGS2. BLAH). At best, I think it matches original MGS, and at worst, it breaks 2 million (which is still phenomenal). As long as they don't do anything stupid and sell it for 100 dollars or something, its a guaranteed million seller.

8. The 2008 Holiday Season will define a console's place in the console wars this generation. All system and game sales will peak in 2008.

TRUE. Most of the big games will have been released for all systems (there should be no excuse to not have a big game after 2 years) and I don't expect to see big swings in momentum after that time. Sales should flatten out and be steady and marketshares shouldn't fluxuate so much. 2009 will still be a big year, but I suspect people holding off in 2010 as they await the NEXT generation.

9. The Xbox 360 will have a Blu Ray add on before this generation is over.

True. MS is SKU happy and it will probably do the "PRO PREMIUM EDITION PLATINUM ELITE BLU RAY PACK" for like 600 dollars or something and will have blu ray built in.

10. The only thing hindering PS3 sales is its price. If it was the same price as Wii, it would be #1.

FACT. I think the Wii and the PS3 would be in a dogfight for #1; with PS3 slightly ahead. Of course the main loser would be MS, unless they had a 250 dollar system too.