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I want to praise the Lord but I don't know which religion to adopt. I don't want to praise a false Lord and burn for an eternity for unintentionally ignoring the actual God. Some one help PLEASE! Religion A seems pretty reasonable but then again, religion B says I will burn in Hell FOR AN ETERNITY if I don't praise its Lord!

Is there some reasoning which suggests one religion / God as the actual one? I don't want an eternity of torture for making an honest error in my ways.

do you think the true Lord will mind if I mistakenly adopt the wrong religion? I would not be my fault. Is it possible to praise multiple Gods, just in case? Surely, the true God will understand my situation and know that its nothing personal.

is there anyone out there who can help?

Let this thread serve as a holding for the collective knowledge of VGChartz. Since no sole person can thoroughly study each and every religion, we can all combine our thoughts here and reach a unanimous agreement on the most likely God / religion

Here is the inspiration for this thread.