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Allfreedom99 said:
enrageorange said:

Actually many of my fellow Americans seem to think the situation would have been better had other civilians in the theater brought their guns, despite the fact that there was complete chaos in the theater and the thug wore body armor and threw tear gas. No doubt that had other people started shooting a lot more people would have been killed in the crossfire.

There is absolutely no way guns will ever be outlawed in America. There are too many gunowners, most of whom probably responsibly carry their firearms, who would never vote for someone trying to make a gun ban. What will hopefully eventually be done is better screening of people who wish to purchase guns and bigger penalties for those who illegally sell guns, but I doubt that will happen either. 

Most people who get concealed carry permit have had good training with a hand gun in order to get the permit and most of those people I think would be smart enough to know what to do in that situation in order to save lives.It was said in the chaos the gunman also went up to the balcony level after shooting some on the main level. In the chaos there undoubtedly would have been an oportunity to put a bullet in the back of his head to at least stop him from shooting more.

I do however agree that anyone who wants a concealed carry permit should recieve rigorous training before obtaining a license.

Still strict gun laws will not stop serious killers. And will just make it more difficult for law abiding citizens to defend themselves.

sure just as soon as you have to go through riguous training and schooling to get your free speech and religion permit.