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M.U.G.E.N said:
happydolphin said:
M.U.G.E.N said:

If they have to say anything they can just say we are focusing on our own strengths. They can just say doesn't matter what they do we are brining the games and here they are. At the moment they are trying to downplay (graphics, power etc) the next xbox/PS even before anyone knows anything concrete about it.

They are not trying to downplay it. They don't _believe_ it matters and have said so. It's their value system, and they're expressing it. They disagree with the graphics war and are making it clear that is not their intent.

At the same time, they're nuancing it with concerns for the needs of gamers to offer a level of fidelity, but reassert that it is _not_ for the purpose of fighting a war of attrition with their competitors. It's important for their investors and for the media to know that.

The problem is what we see in this thread, that whenever Nintendo tries to clarify their position, people instantly misunderstand it as either hypocrisy, downplaying, lack of focus, or anything else I can't think of.

Well I see it differently than you then. There is absolutely no reason to talk of other consoles when they haven't been even announced yet. All this PR and promoting should wait until the rivals come up with their stuff. Then they can say it doesn't matter etc.

This is not the first time they said something like this. I have seen such comments from them all the time since E3. I see this as useless banter and damage control. They have done a real piss poor job in promoting the wiiU at E3 as a next gen console. They should have at least had a tech demo or two of popular franchises to showcase the capabilities. They 'are' and should be worried about the other consoles capabilities as well. We all saw what happened to them this gen with game support. I do not believe for a second believe these statements from them and always take them as PR.

If this is how they are going to approach this, expect such PR for years to come because I don't think the situation will change for them when it comes to media and gamers questioning them on power of the wiiU. It's just gonna get worse

Yeah ok MUGEN as usual, you try your hardest to make Nintendo look like the losers when the blue lines on the front page paint a different story. What Nintendo is saying is, its impossible for their next consoles to blow the WIIU out like the PS3 was to the Wii because they would cost way to much. You dont seriously believe Sony will repeat what they did with the PS3 do you? You probably do think it worked out dont you? Anyways now NIntendo is saying it really doesnt matter what they add, we are going to continue to do our own thing regardless. Hell whatever they wont exactly ensure victory for them, the PS3 had alot of things added and still came in 3rd. Nintendo is far from worried by the way, didnt they just release a platform that sold as much in its opening year as the PS3 and 360 did in their peaks lol. Didnt it take the 360 and PS3 like 4 years just to become decent sellers lol. Thats probably how long its gonna take their next consoles to become relevant as well, while the WiiU builds an insane(it already has an headstart)lead.