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kowenicki said:
Carl2291 said:
My point is its quite shocking to see MS post a loss. Be it Quarterly, Yearly, Daily... Whatever.

Why has me asking if this was the first ever loss turned into you going all defensive? Really. All I did was ask a Question and youre hopping around like Tigger...

Lostplanet. The new PS3 will obviously be profitable. Its tiny, cheap looking and still gonna be sold for $250+. This isnt a thread about that though...

You didn't just ask a question, you said it was a big deal.

It isn't.

Whats a big deal is Sony having 5 straight years of losses and no end in sight.

Whats big is Sony predictions for the current fiscal year already falling to shit before our eyes (that frankly stupid currency expectation is going to kill them this quarter and this year)

Whats big is that Sony are the ones the need to do something or Sony had a very real chance of not existing and yes I am serious about that.

This is a mere blip on a very positive period for MS.


Sony stock down 52% in the last year, MS stock up 15%

Only up 15%?  That must have been the lowest in the last seven years!  They must start to do something!