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BasilZero said:
M.U.G.E.N said:
BasilZero said:
Why mention competitors? If they are doing their own thing (like they've been doing it for this whole generation), why worry or even mention the competition?

This is either some fake PR article or the heads of Nintendo are losing it as much as the people on forums who make crying threads about all the negative media surrounding the Wii-U.

It reeks of damage control from them tbh. And these statements have been coming out a LOT since E3 from them. Graphics don't won't be a big difference...we don't care if they are more powerful etc etc. I wonder if they have an idea of what the finalized specs would be for the next xbox and PS. Would be hilarious if we can get a leak from Ninty

Instead of crying over what a few articles or sources say, they should instead counter them with announcements, showcase the system in a mini show like their 3DS show they had (or like the shows some developers showcase), or even showcase possibilities or discuss topics about future games that are in the works of being made or thought of, introduce new IPs, re-introduce old IPs like they did with Kid Icarus for the 3DS, and let out information about the Wii-U's specs and/or price tag since its obvious the system is coming out this year unless they want 5-6 month ports of games that are coming like this year like AC3.

Just sayin ;p

Edit: Also any consumer being "worried" about the negative reports are in the minority and the majority probably dont even read the news about gaming articles and are just waiting for the system to come out. I'm pretty sure at this point as a Nintendo fan, graphics dont even play a role in pursuading the consumer to buy the system or not, it'll be all about old IPs, new IPs, gameplay and innovations. are right on the money. They have been talking about unreleased consoles of the opposition as much as they have talked about the wiiu at this point :P Right after the negative feedbacks for E3 conference started PR like this has been very very frequent from them. Let's be honest here, they haven't done a great job in doing the things you just mentioned. The best thing about the current wiiU line up for a non mario fan is the Rayman Legends...which I'm 100% will hit other consoles next year. They can say all they want about not caring....but if they didn't they won't be talking so much about it either :PI'm guessing they are worried about having a similar situation with the non nintendo core and 3rd parties next gen as they did this gen. Let's see how Iwata and the rest 'bring it' at the Nintendo event (what's it called again? The one they have for the wiiu launch)


And I saw someone above mention something about xbox and PS adjusting their specs to have a bigger lead over wiiu 'after' the system far all the specs known/rumored/leaked point to them aiming for systems that will be better than Wiiu easily. And besides I'm no tech guru but I doubt other than small things like RAM will be changed if MSony are to release their system next year.

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