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Gamerace said:
Iwata is right. They need to be different and not fight Sony/MS on their own turf. That was the mistake Sony made this gen. While PS2 was the core/casual machine and Xbox was PC/core, PS3 launched directly targeting XBox's market and lost all their casual market to Wii and lost the war of attrition (which admittedly is still happening) for the core in NA to 360 (but won in PAL/JP). End result - greatly diminished presence in the video game scene.

No matter what, Nintendo cannot win a war of attrition for the core. We all know it. They shouldn't try.

The problem is, this statement flies in the face of what Nintendo was saying E3 2011 about winning the core back. It's more like Nintendo wants to make WiiU palatable for the core.

having a differentiator is good as it gives customers a reason to one thing over another.   ...but being soo different that you are incampatible with the rest of the industry is bad.  it is bad because the rest of the industry ignores you and as we saw with the wii -- no games, no consumers. 

there is a thin line nintendo must walk here.  you have to try and innovate but you also have to have the support of your collegues.  we'll see once MSony releases their hardware but EPIC has already said it won't support wii U with UE4.   ...that's not a good sign.