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Aielyn said:
richardhutnik said:
Pretty much by undermining what would be Romney's strongest argument, in an area that is a big weakness for Obama, that is jobs, the argument gets muted, so Romney has problems bringing up his private sector experience.  Idea is to kill the strongest position of Romney, by turning it into a minus.  

I don't think it'll turn it into a minus, though. People will be willing to overlook it... but only so long as Romney doesn't try to use Obama's jobs record against him. If Romney now tries to blame Obama for anything to do with jobs, it'll harm Romney more than Obama.

If it can't be led in any way, and can then be brought up as a negative, then I was counting as a negative.  At best, it is a non-issue.  At worse, it is a negative.  This is what happened to John Kerry in 2004, with his involvement in Vietman.  It would of normally been a positive, but it got swiftboated.