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I don't think the Obama camp's aim is to actually use those Bain Capital charges to harm Romney. I think they're actually being used defensively - sort of a "now you can't claim that the improvement in the economy/killing of Bin Laden/etc was thanks to Bush" and "now you can't use business experience as a way to claim superiority".

Many of the right wing's attacks on Obama are based on the idea that all of the good that Obama has achieved has been thanks to Bush's policies, and this serves to emphasise that, if you accept that, then you also have to accept that Romney is at fault for what Bain Capital did in the years following his departure but while he was still officially CEO and sole owner.

Kasz216 - even if they were still negotiating his buyout, he was still the sole owner, and thus was entirely able to give instructions that they had to follow, because he was still the owner.