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HappySqurriel said:
Lingyis said:

if the second life people jump on board sony would have a smash hit on its hands.

That's a big if, which (likely) won't happen ...

"One of the distinguishing characteristics of Second Life is that the Residents, not Linden Lab, create most of the content of the world. The Resident avatars are one example of such user-generated content."

"There is a 3D modeling tool in Second Life that allows any Resident with the right skills to build virtual objects: buildings, landscape, vehicles, furniture, and machines to use, trade, or sell. This is a primary source of activity in the economy. Any Resident can also make gestures from small animations and sounds from the standard library. Outside Second Life, Residents can use various graphics, animation, and sound tools to create more elaborate objects, and upload them into the world."

Let's not forget that Second Life is free and will run on damned near anything built post-2002.

I keep looking at Home and I keep failing to see why it's a big deal. Frankly, to me, it looks boring and the resources Sony used to make it could have been put to better use on PSN, XMB, and online functionality.

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