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Sigh, poor EGM.

I just heard Dan Hsu say that the Wii would be Nintendo's greatest failure, and Brian Intihar say that the Wii's lineup makes him sick (yes, sick) and that he's so thankful for Sony and Microsoft.  

I had always been slightly bothered by the fact that they are supposedly a hub for "Electronic Gaming" but never covered PC gaming and only gave lipservice to handheld gaming. Now, they seem to be further narrowing heir focus and becoming a magazine largely focused on HD consoles. Which might be fine if print was a healhty medium, but I doubt EGM is in a financial position to be alienating the fastest growing segments of the gaming population (handheld and casual gamers). 

I used to love EGM, but it's become apparent that as I've gotten older and matured that my tastes continue to diverge from theirs. They seem to be stuck in the college-age, "just a bunch of guys hanging out, drinking beer and having fun" mentality to me.">">