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People have to remember too that Romney is really not generating much excitement in the "conservative" realms of the party. Many Libertarians are not fond of him at all either. he almost needs someone who would have the ability to draw from both groups. In this election Romney has to generate more excitement if he really wants to win. I also think he needs interest from more Libertarian leaning voters. a decent number of Libertarians will not support his ticket no matter what. But I think someone like Rand Paul could draw some of them over.

Romney has similar problems to Obama right now. Obama has no where near the electric fainting fever that so many voters had for him in 2008. He ran on the whole "hope and change" slogan and instead all we have had is class warfare rhetoric, ugly chicago style politics, intense division in washington, race bating, an extremely long period of high unemployment, the blame game, a health care law that wasn't wanted but rammed through anyway, and huge increasing budget deficits. Obama is not well liked either. other words get ready for a very ugly negative presidential campaigns on who will be worse as president.