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I'm sorry kingofwale but you're a deluded fanboy. Suda games have sold a whopping 7k lifetime on the massive PS2 userbase, somehow thinking it's going to sell more on the 360 - Which Japan refuses to buy, and the PS3, which has been crippling formerly large Japanese games in the sales department, is either wishful thinking, fanboy delusions, or a combination of both.

That said, people saying "it would have sold more in America" need to get over themselves. Ubisoft purposely shipped a low amount and stayed low-key with NMH because they wanted to avoid a Manhunt 2 controversey (the European version is already being censored), not too surprisingly the game pretty much sold through and is out of stock at the ubistore. I'm not quite sure how you're expecting it to sell more than what was shipped regardless of platform, it's a poor and flawed argument.

Tag - "No trolling on my watch!"